How To Do A Contents Page On Word

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In order to add or update content on a WordPress website, you must have Administrator, Editor, Author or Contributor privileges.


Update Table of Contents. When you work on a Word document, then number of pages and their content keep varying and accordingly you need to update your Table of Contents. Following are the simple steps to update an existing Table of Contents in your Microsoft Word. Step 1 − Consider you already have a table of content as shown above. Word's table of contents styles Word uses a dedicated set of styles to format a table of contents. If you want to permanently format the table of contents, you'll have to modify the corresponding. For example, start by typing ‘table of contents’ at the top. Next, list your main headings on the left, and their page numbers on the right. Keep in mind that a table of contents is used to assist the reader in navigating the book. Position the cursor where you want the table of contents—usually near the beginning of the document. Click the Reference table. From the Table of Contents dropdown (in the Table of Contents group).

Content can be added to a WordPress website in one of two formats: as a Page or as a Post.

  • A page is for content that is not time-dependent eg. ‘About’ or ‘Contact’ pages
  • A post is for content that is time-relevant and is typically displayed in reverse-chronological order. Posts can have comments and an associated RSS feed. Examples of ‘post’-appropriate content would be ‘News’ or ‘Events’.

Both Pages and Posts have associated titles and content and the Look and Feel of the website will not change between the two.

Before you start in WordPress, assess your content

Decide if your current content needs editing or if you need to add new content to your site.

How to edit current content:

  • Log into your WordPress website
  • If you are editing a Post:
    • Click on Post > All Posts
    • Find the Post you would like to edit and either click on the title or ‘Edit’ (which appears when the title is hovered over with a mouse)
    • Make the changes you desire
    • Either:
      • click ‘Save Draft’ if you would like to come back later to work on the post more or
      • if you are ready to publish the post, click ‘Publish’ if you’re ready for it to be posted to your website immediately or
      • if you are ready to publish the post, but want it to go ‘live’ later, click ‘Edit’ next to ‘Publish immediately’ and choose when you would like the post to go live
  • If you are editing a Page:
    • Click on Post > All Pages
    • Select the Page you would like to edit and either click on the title or ‘Edit’ (which appears when the title is hovered over with a mouse)
    • Make the changes you desire
    • Either
      • click ‘Save Draft’ if you would like to come back later to work on the page more or
      • if you are ready to publish the page, click ‘Publish’ if you’re ready for it to be posted to your website immediately or
      • if you are ready to publish the page, but want it to go ‘live’ later, click ‘Edit’ next to ‘Publish immediately’ and choose when you would like the post to go live

    Note: When adding or editing content and you press ‘Return’, you will start a new paragraph; when you press ‘Shift + Return’, you will start on the next line.

How to add new content:

  • Log into your WordPress website
  • If you are adding your content via a new Post:
    • Click on Post > Add New
    • Add in your new content, including a Title
    • If applicable, in the Categories section (right column) select appropriate Categories for the post
    • Either:
      • click ‘Save Draft’ if you would like to come back later to work on the post more or
      • if you are ready to publish the post, click ‘Publish’ if you’re ready for it to be posted to your website immediately or
      • if you are ready to publish the post, but want it to go ‘live’ later, click ‘Edit’ next to ‘Publish immediately’ and choose when you would like the post to go live
    • If you are adding your content via a new Page:
      • Click on Page > Add New
      • Add in your new content, including a Title
      • Either:
        • click ‘Save Draft’ if you would like to come back later to work on the page more or
        • if you are ready to publish the post, click ‘Publish’ if you’re ready for it to be posted to your website immediately or
        • if you are ready to publish the page, but want it to go ‘live’ later, click ‘Edit’ next to ‘Publish immediately’ and choose when you would like the page to go live

      Note: When adding or editing content and you press ‘Return’, you will start a new paragraph; when you press ‘Shift + Return’, you will start on the next line.

How To Do A Contents Page On Word

How to create a table of contents link to pages in Word document?

In Word, most of time, you may type a large of contents into the document. And for reading pages better, you may split them into several parts, such as list of figures, list of tables, abstract and so on. But have you ever tried to create a table of contents’ links to pages as below screenshot shown, so that you can quickly go to the specific part while clicking at the link? In this tutorial, I introduce the method on list a table of clickable contents in Word document.

Create a table of contents link to relative pages in Word

1. Firstly, use Styles under Home tab consistently throughout your document to create your own structure in your document.

In this article, my structure looks like this:

  • List of Figures (Heading 6)
  • List of Tables (Heading 6)
  • Acknowledgements (Heading 6)
  • Abstract (Heading 6)
  • 1. Introduction (Heading 1)
  • 1.1 Introduction sub-section (Heading 2)
  • 1.2 Introduction sub-section (Heading 2)
  • 1.3 Introduction sub-section (Heading 2)
  • 1.3.1 Sub-section (Heading 3)
  • 2. Hypotheses and Goals (Heading 1)

2. Now place the cursor at the position you want to insert the table of linkable contents, click References > Table of Contents > Custom Table of Contents.

3. In the Table of Contents dialog, keep Show page numbers, Right align page numbers and Use hyperlinks instead of page numbers options checked, click Options.

4. In the Table of Contents Options dialog, give the level to the relative heading you use, in my case, I give the Heading 1 and Heading 6 the level 1.

How To Do A Contents Page On Word Docs

5. Click OK > OK. Now the list of contents link to page have been created. You can press Ctrl key to display the clicking hand , then click at the content to jump to the relative page.

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Automatic Table Of Contents Word

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