Reddit Todoist

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  1. How To Use Todoist
  2. Todoist Free Premium
  3. Reddit Todoist Setup
  4. Reddit Todoist
  5. Todoist Export To Excel

Free up your mental space

Todoist is a task management application for personal and professional productivity. It allows users to manage their tasks from a smartphone, tablet or computer. The app is free, though additional features to enable collaboration are available in a paid version. Importable Templates for Todoist. Staying in-the-know by automatically adding trending Reddit posts to your Todoist reading list. Gamifying your to-dos by adding $1 to your account for every task completed. Keep things from slipping through the cracks by adding any new Trello card to Todoist as a task. Todoist Pro gives you the power to get it. As you successfully complete tasks on time in Todoist, you’ll gain Karma points and achieve new Karma levels. You can see your current Karma points and level by selecting the Karma tab from the Productivity view on any platform. You earn Karma when: You add tasks. You complete tasks on time. In a matter of minutes and without a single line of code, Zapier allows you to automatically send info between Reddit and Todoist. Get started with workflows like: Create tasks on Todoist for new hot posts on Reddit. Or check out the rest of our guided workflows. Save time with Zapier; it's free to try.

Regain clarity and calmness by getting all those tasks out of your head and onto your to-do list (no matter where you are or what device you use).

Google Play

Editor’s Choice4.7 stars, 187K+ reviews

App Store

Featured app4.8 stars, 30K+ reviews

The Verge


Todoist has helped
millions of people completeover 1.5 billion tasks
in 150+ million projects.

I literally couldn’t do my job or even manage all the business of being a fully functioning parent and spouse without Todoist.
As a software engineer, it’s useful to break down big projects into smaller tasks, and Todoist is perfect for that purpose.
I kept track of all my school tasks in Todoist and, in 2016, I became the first one in my family to obtain a bachelor’s degree.
Todoist has revolutionized the way we run our small business by helping us simplify projects and coordinate tons of details.

Trevor Stephens

General Manager at Topline Builders
Read more
Todoist gave us the focus to scale our company from 2 to 75 employees, $12M in VC financing, and 350+ happy enterprise customers.
Todoist helps me organize all my writing projects. And that makes it an indispensable tool both in business and in life.

A task manager you can trust for life

In the 14 yearsand 87 days that we’ve been building Todoist, we’ve never considered selling out or becoming acquired.

Our team is committed to staying independent and earning your trust for as long as you need our apps.

Learn about our long-term mission



How To Use Todoist







Todoist Free Premium




Reddit Todoist Setup





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IFTTT, which stands for If This Then That, lets you create powerful connections between Todoist and all the other apps, services, and tools that you use. With IFTTT — and intelligent automation — repetitive tasks can become a thing of the past. That means you can get more done in less time by setting up Applets, or connections between two or more apps or devices. What’s even better is that unlike other automation tools, IFTTT is completely free.

You can turn on Applets that others have already created or you can make something custom for yourself by linking your Todoist account with over 200 different channels including Pocket, Evernote, Facebook, Slack, Twitter, Fitbit, and many more. Plus, you can now choose tasks from specific sections as your Applet trigger, as well as make IFTTT integrations add new tasks to a specific project and section.

Reddit Todoist


Todoist Export To Excel

  • Staying in-the-know by automatically adding trending Reddit posts to your Todoist reading list.

  • Gamifying your to-dos by adding $1 to your account for every task completed.

  • Keep things from slipping through the cracks by adding any new Trello card to Todoist as a task.

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