Visual Studio Code Folding

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Visual studio code folding freeVisualVisual Studio Code Folding

  • As of Visual Studio Code version 1.12.0, April 2017, see Basic Editing Folding section in the docs. The default keys are: Fold All: CTRL+K, CTRL+0 (zero) Fold Level n: CTRL+K, CTRL+n. Unfold All: CTRL+K, CTRL+J. Fold Region: CTRL+K, CTRL+Unfold Region: CTRL+K, CTRL+.Fold Level: to fold all but the most outer classes, try CTRL+K, CTRL+1.
  • Unfold All ( Ctrl+K Ctrl+J) unfolds all regions in the editor. Fold Level X ( Ctrl+K Ctrl+2 for level 2) folds all regions of level X, except the region at the current cursor position. Fold All Block Comments ( Ctrl+K Ctrl+/) folds all regions that start with a block comment token.

Folding is used to mask excessive length. The presence of folded code can lull developers into a false sense of what clean code looks like. Under the cover of folding, you can end up writing long, horrible spaghetti code blocks. If the code needs the crutch of folding to look organized, it's bad code. Visual basic how to plot points on a graph using the chart. Visual Studio Code Typescript region folding. Void main testWidgets ('Counter increments smoke test', (WidgetTester tester) async // Build our app and trigger a frame. Await tester.pumpWidget (MyApp ); voting results 2020 live.

Efficient code folding is an important part of productivity when writing code. Folding is part of the larger and more complex task of code navigation. Folding helps in several ways when working with a single file of code.
Being able to see all the method names at once helps with rearranging methods so related methods are near each other, which improves code readability.

Visual Studio Code Folding

Visual Studio Code Folding If Statements


Folding methods or classes you aren’t actively editing helps me keep my focus on what I’m actively working on, so I don’t get tempted to do too many things at once, which can hurt productivity. For example while writing a new method, I may notice some other methods that need refactoring, which leads me to database procedures which I want to optimize, which leads me to wanting to change the formatting of the results.

Visual Studio Code Folding Table

My favorite command for folding in VS Code is the (Control + K, Control + 2) command. Here the 2 means to fold all regions at the second level, while leaving region 1 and regions greater than 2 unfolded.
In many C# files, (Control K, Control + 3) will collapse all method definitions, because methods are usually at the 3rd level after (1) Namespace, (2) Classes.

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